Spit rag~ A cloth diaper used to clean up baby spit up. For our purposes, we decorated them, sewed some pieces of flannel onto them to make them cute, cause you know, we’re girls and we do that. I’m glad that I did, especially because Brice seems to be getting kind of attached to the spit rags. This could be because he spits up a lot, and so there is always one under his head, in his car seat, or across his eyes (I don’t know why, it helps him sleep when he’s crabby.) Or he could have taken a liking to them because Georgia and I did such a great job sewing them and making them pretty. Either way, if the spit rags become the item that he can’t leave the house without, I’ll be happy that we took the time to spruce them up a bit.
Shit towel~ A towel whose sole purpose in life is to be placed under the baby when he is audibly pooping. First off, we didn’t name it this on purpose, and I realize I’m kind of a bad influence on my older two kids by calling it a shit towel. The truth is though, I’m a realist, and my girls are in high school and middle school, so I’m fairly certain they hear worse things in homeroom. We were actually using receiving blankets for the eruptions, but I’m kind of short on those and he has a tendency to explode, and ruin whatever is near him with a paste of mustard yellow. If I’m diligent and do a bunch of rinsing, spray’n’washing, scrubbing and immediate washing, nothing stains. But c’mon, like that’s going to happen…I’m lucky if I get to shower everyday. So I just picked a couple towels, and then I can wash them, and who cares if they stain. You know, cause they’re just the shit towels…
Bipples~ Baby nipples. As in “Are his bipples purple because he’s cold?” I don’t know why we call them that, we just universally agreed.
Beekit~ Baby blanket. Specifically, the quilt I made for him that is super soft and that he seems to like. He sleeps with it around him and smiles when I rub it on his face. My niece Riley always said “beekit” for blanket, and I loved it, and it stuck in my head. And somewhere in my sleepy mind, I started calling it that in the wee hours. Now it’s stuck.
Lucky~ A small yellow giraffe we got for Brice to cuddle with. Lucky is also a good luck charm, because Brice seems to be a head trauma magnet already in his little life, and we thought a good luck charm couldn’t hurt.
Pacifier~ Brice only likes one kind, and even then, sometimes he doesn’t like them at all. The jury is still out on this one. Still, we don’t leave home without one.
Penis~ We pretty much never said penis before, because, well, why would we? But now we do. I think we’re all kind of fascinated, to be honest. We think it’s especially funny when it visibly shrinks when we open his diaper. It is not so funny when he uses it to pee over the changing table and onto our feet.